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No City Limits

For immediate release
July 16, 2002
Media Contact: Parul Agarwal (416) 241-5124

NO CITY LIMITS, a Youth Theatre Project,
presented by Arts York and Burning Passions Theatre, talks to youth about youth this summer
Arts York, a community arts council, and Burning Passions Theatre, a social justice theatre company, have joined together to create

NO CITY LIMITS – a summer youth theatre project. Performed by a cast and crew of 9 talented young people, NO CITY LIMITS will be toured this summer throughout the City of Toronto. Directed by Laurel Smith, Artistic Producer of Burning Passions Theatre, and administered by Lily Tannis, Executive Director of Arts York, NO CITY LIMITS represents the merging of community development and popular theatre with a strong focus on the voice of youth within the community.
At its very core this project is about outreach and education thought art. The project has been great assisted by key members of youth and community organizations throughout the city of Toronto, such as The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, AIDS Committee of Toronto, Leave Out Violence and many others.
The goal of this project is to give youth a voice and the opportunity to find their own solutions to the issues they face. The members of this diverse ensemble will take a strong role in educating themselves and each other by sharing life experiences and using extensive research on such topics as AIDS prevention and healthy sexuality, drug abuse prevention and anti-violence initiatives. The original script was developed by the 2001 No City Limits troupe with set design by the members of the 2001 Arts York Graffiti Transformation Project.
NO CITY LIMITS received generous grants from the City of Toronto (Drug Abuse Prevention Program and Breaking the Cycle of Violence), Human Resources Development Canada, COSTI Employment Services, The University of Toronto Arts Management program and The Toronto Arts Council. These grants support the notion that the creating of art is valuable work, and has enabled the participants to earn a living while gaining work skills, valuable connections and a sense of community.
The tour of NO CITY LIMITS will begin August 1st with a preview at the new Y-Arts? youth arts centre at 19 John St. in Weston. Other performances include the Palmerston Library on August 8th, 9th and 10th, and the Weston Street Festival/Art in the Park on August 24th. The project will also make the rounds of youth and community organizations throughout the former City of York.

NO CITY LIMITS is recommended for people 12 years of age and up, and each performance will include a facilitated discussion.

For more information on performance dates and times, please contact Arts York at (416) 241-5124 or the Burning Passions Theatre website at

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